
Implementing performance based navigation procedures at US airports: improving community noise exposure

09.15.2013 | HMMH |


NextGen technology – specifically Performance Based Navitation (PBN) – provides opportunities to address aircraft noise in a more precise and targeted way than ever before. However, procedures need to be carefully designed and evaluated by a collaborative mulitidisciplinary team in order to achieve maximum benefit. Quality of life maintenance for communities surrounding airports can be a daunting task for airport management and executive leadership. HMMH’s President and CEO Mary Ellen Eagan worked with Bob Miller (ret.) and Rhea Gundry to aid airports in implementing the FAA’s 2013 efforts to modernize the US air traffic control system.

The researchers have found that the communication of results is complex, and best accomplished through graphical displays. This document includes recommendations for team composition, best practices for the representation of findings, as well as a case study of HMMH’s Greener Skies Over Seattle project completed for the FAA in 2012.



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