
HMMH helps our clients engineer cleaner, quieter highways with creative solutions for even the most congested transportation corridors.

HMMH has a nationwide reputation for technical excellence in highway noise control and has performed environmental noise studies and final noise abatement design for highway projects throughout the U.S. Our areas of expertise include barrier design, environmental assessments/impact statements, quieter pavement, On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI), special traffic noise studies, and virtual soundscapes.

The Federal Highway Administration turned to HMMH’s team of consultants when developing a software tool for highway planners and engineers. The Traffic Noise Model was designed, developed and tested in-house at HMMH, as well as the software and all acoustical algorithms used by the program. We also wrote the original technical manual for the model and the Supplemental Guidance Report 791 released in 2016.

In addition to highway noise, HMMH provides the most trusted expertise in mobile source air quality assessment and abatement procedures to state and federal departments of transportation across the U.S. HMMH air quality staff includes a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, as well as scientists providing a wide array of air quality services to support our client’s needs. Our services include: feasibility studies, air dispersion modeling, emissions inventory, greenhouse gas analyses, and microscale/mesoscale analyses.

Studies to address feasible mitigation procedures have resulted in hundreds of miles of uniquely designed noise barriers as well as alternative strategies for noise mitigation. HMMH provides real solutions to reduce your project’s environmental impact.

HMMH is a world-class noise specialty firm.  We believed they were the only firm working for NYSDOT at the time that were capable of performing the extremely complex and unique noise barrier study.

- Project Manager, New York State Department of Transportation