As part of a term contract for noise consulting services, HMMH and Bergmann Associates developed an extensive revision to the New York State Department of Transportation’s 2011 statewide Noise Analysis Policy and Procedures document, known as the TEM. As a result of our Firm’s experience, particularly with other state DOTs, HMMH took the lead in developing the new and revised sections of the policy document on:
- Addressing the unique characteristics of design-build projects;
- Multi-family residential land uses, including those with multiple floors, balconies, and common use areas;
- Recreational land uses, to develop a consistent and appropriate approach to assigning areas of impact and benefit by noise abatement;
- Applying varying degrees of complexity and effort to conduct screening noise studies for projects with limited or no noise-sensitive land use nearby and those with noise-sensitive use but where noise abatement would not be feasible or reasonable;
- Developing standard language for justifying projects that do not require detailed noise analysis (non-Type I projects);
- Developing standard language that may be used for Type I projects that have no noise-sensitive land use or where noise abatement is clearly not feasible or reasonable.