Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing Construction Noise Modeling

HMMH developed detailed acoustical models of the construction activities for the Tappan Zee Hudson River Crossing bridge replacement project. The acoustical modeling was conducted using SoundPLAN software, and incorporated noise source emissions and usage factors, source location and height, shielding from bridge structure, buildings and noise barriers, detailed terrain and ground type. The modeling incorporated contributions from over 40 different types of construction equipment used for 17 different construction activities. Activities were modeled at 22 different source areas for computation of sound levels at sensitive receptor locations and noise monitoring locations.

The predicted construction noise levels were used by the construction contractor to determine the potential for noise impacts in the surrounding community during the various project activities. HMMH developed a spreadsheet model incorporating the results from all of the activities to enable the contractor to determine which activities could be conducted simultaneously, and whether additional noise abatement measures would be needed for some of the activities.

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