Expressway Motors Air Quality Study

HMMH prepared a Report of Findings (ROF) for firing waste oil at Expressway Motors’ Dorchester facility. The ROF consisted of a beneficial use analysis including stack test results and an air quality dispersion modeling analysis. The purpose of the analysis was to demonstrate that burning waste oil as a substitute for distillate oil could be considered a beneficial use for Expressway Motors and would not have an adverse impact on the environment. Expressway Motors burns distillate fuel oil for heating and cooling needs at the dealership. The facility would like to use the waste oil collected at the site as an alternative to burning fuel oil, however the proposed unit did not qualify under the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP ) regulations for firing waste oil. Therefore, Expressway Motors petitioned the MassDEP for a regulation change to the current air quality regulations to allow the facility to burn waste oil as an alternative to distillate oil.

The ROF was prepared at the request of the MassDEP. The report incorporated some of the critical criteria set forth in the MassDEP Guidance for Beneficial Use Determination (310 CMR 190.060) under the MassDEP Bureau of Waste Prevention along with a comparison to the MassDEP 310 CMR 7.05 Standards for Used Oil Fuel and a comparison of emissions from other boilers of similar or slightly larger size.

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